If You Get Fired From Autozone Can You Go Back

  • I will never enter one of your stores again...



    1. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/09/business/when-employees-confess-sometimes-falsely.html?_r=1

      Just wrong!!




    3. 215 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd , Psl Fl, 34984 STORE # 1231 12/05/2016 730 pm

      I went to this location to help a lady I saw at a nearby gas station whom had a headlight out. She followed me to the store where I had to help her find her correct bulb. The clerk at the store was of no help locating the correct bulb. It was after 730 pm , so it was dark outside. I asked the clerk if he could help the lady change her bulb, he replied " NO, I am short staffed and we don't normally help change bulbs".... I then proceeded to help the lady try and change it. So, I go out and try my best to help. I notice the store and parking lot is empty. The store has at least two employees inside I can see. I notice they are standing near the front talking to each other and again no customers besides us there. I go back inside and ask for assistance again , and no. I ask to borrow a wrench to loosen a bolt on battery to move it so I can access the bulb housing. The clerk acts like I am interrupting his conversation time. I ask for a deep socket to remove battery . He hands me the socket....... And turns around..... "Um , I might need the wrench to turn the socket ?" The clerk sighs and hands it to me. Again it's as if I am a huge bother.... The whole time I am super polite and courteous. I'm outside 15-20 min in parking lot changing bulb for a complete stranger who needed some help. In that time , only one other customer came and went. I finished replacing bulb . Wiped the tool off and went back in store to return it. As I walk back to the counter , the one employee is counting money at the register. I place the tool on the counter. The other employee walks up behind me and says " can I help you " as he did not recognize me from 15 minutes ago????? " he's busy , what do you need?"......ughhhhhhhhh " I'm returning the tool I borrowed changing the bulb in that lady's car".... his reply is oh , oh? um , thanks...... With a deer in the headlights look. Confused much?
      Really ????? What horrible , lazy ass customer service. I will not go to this store again nor will I direct any others to that store...... I thought your store policy was to go out and help customers with minor things so you can for one help and two , sell more parts.......??????? Guess I was wrong.




    5. KEENE, NH.
      THE BOLTS heads were Both STRIPPED.
      The they then gave me a "NEW reppacement" caliper. It turns out had been returned to them about 3 months prior becuase the Botls were Frozen in it "New".
      2 Autozone Employees. Took a Breaker bar Nd a NEW Torx sockwt off the store shelf and Stripped the bolt heads in a previous attempt to Losten this part.

      Well Trish the Worls most Inept manager!
      Decided to instead of doing the claim for a Junk part.
      To box it back up and put it back on the shelf!
      Then when I got got half way home and had to have my ride turn around and go back to the store to ask why I was give a 2nd Unisable part.
      Trish says. You will get a refund. So I can get you put of my store. I have people in line. We just sell the parts. Even after after next customer Politly told her to do her Job and assist me
      Who was there 1st. She kept telling the lady owe it is fine he can wait a minute.
      I then had to inform her I had to get a ride as MY Vehicle was still sitting without a Brake Caliper!
      Please do as the lady asked and assist me quickly so as I have a child waiting and an in a rush. As I should NOT have had to Spend more time and Money to go back there again!!!

      The offered NO apologies or compensation.


      SINCE TRISH TOOK OVER AS MANGER. It has been a constant & steady decent to WORST STORE EVER!!!




  • Got a defective distributor from your store. After spending a bunch to determine it was your distributor, Auto Zone replaced the distributor, but not the second labor charge we had to pay to have the second one installed. Napa will do this. Any reputable auto. Parts company will do this, but the Auto Zone manager said he could not refund the labor charge. We feel this should be paid by auto zone since it was their product defect that caused the problem. Please respond. This is our second email. Charles Miller



    1. Actually we do have a labor reimbursement policy, a store manager should have taken care of it.


  • on 6/19/2012 i was waited on by a lady by the name of angela rios after being told by one of her coworkers that the part i had bought from yall was the right part miss rios took it appon herself to research and get me the part i needed so i could fix my car she turned my bad day into a day of believe in that theres still good people out there


  • Replies

    1. Because they don't want to hear from the public or their employees directly.


  • Stoped in the new autozone on Pleasant Hill Road in Poinciana Florida and next to nobody being in the store. One guy on the phone and what looked like the Manager just standing there by the cash register and neither one ask me "I'll be with you in a minute sir" so Advanced Auto is my go to store now!!! I guess they don't like their jobs and am sure someone out there could use a job!!!


  • Just had a bad experience at the autozone in West Mifflin, Pa. My wife and I went to check out after grabbing some oil and antifreeze and there was noone at the counter. All the employee's were haning out in the back room. When my wife asked the manager if someone could check us out, he rolled his eye's at her, this of course pissed me off! He then sends one of his autoboys out to wait on us. This guy, after seeing that I'm not happy, tries to sell me crap I don't want or need. Not to autoboy ...Don't get suprized when I yell at you in front of everyone, after treating us like shit! Corporate ANYTHING sucks!


  • I'm very mad at Autozone. I used to work for the Company and feel like I was unfairly fired. I had forgot to ring something up for the customer, a 1.49 cent item. This was not done on purpose. At the time Our store was super busy and I had forgot all about it. Not till some time later I was asked, and had remembered what had happened. When I told the truth I was Fired for it. I had worked VERY HARD for this company for a LONG TIME. We had a few things missing from the store recently which I discovered hidden in the hard parts area. I guess Loss Prevention thought it was me, which is was NOT! Funny thing is if I had shut my mouth I would still be working there. Knowing what I know now, I'm happy to be jobless.


  • Store manager at autozone in rock hill on main street is a jerk. Needs to be fired. I think his name was Tony Hill but he is rude and arrogant


  • Your store on 300 north ave Bridgeport ct. has been asked repeatedly not to park in a legal right of way. The manager has been asked and does nothing about it. I make deliveries to the business next door who has the right of way he said he has asked them as well they just ignore him and park their company trucks there anyway maybe he should get them towed and then someone will listen


  • My wife was driving back to Dallas, and had a question about a fuse. She was alone with our daughter, and the lazy guy at the store in Big Springs Texas on Greg Ave wouldn't even offer to help her. He was disinterested, and had zero desire to help a woman with a 14 month baby. I have called the regional office in El Paso, and will await their return call.


  • One of the autozone employees came outside to check the color of my coolant and opened the radiator cap when it was hot, even though it says on the cap never open when hot, so the boiling hot antifreeze erupted and sprayed all over my sister and I as well as the autozone employee. mY sister and I got burned and did not even recieve a rag to clean up the coolant that was dripping down our legs. The managers as well ass employees acted in a disrespectful manner once we told them what happened. This has gave me nightmares and now i am scared to work on my car because all i think about is this incident.


  • I just read that your ex employee Devin McClean was fired for assisting or preventing a robbery in one of your stores, even the store manager thanked him for saving his life. What is wrong with this picture..I understand your policy on no weapons in the store however, the employee was defending your property and other employees as well. I hope you plan on paying a hugh severents pay that will help him until he finds another job...of just give his job back.... It doesn't pay to do the right thing.


  • You fired McClean? I, and many other CC and Police have walked into your stores armed. Your corporate response to the York County, VA incident is just wrong! You've just told every violent criminal that your store employees are "unarmed" and "defenseless". You've just told your employees that, "We care less about your safety than our corporate policy against litigation... work "at risk"! Oh, and by the way, you cannot defend yourself or any other employees or customers! Just what world do you live in? Just what type of compensation do you provide your employees where they accept this level of risk? As a customer, do you think I'm feeling "safe" in any of your stores now? The inherent right of self defense exists everywhere on earth except where restricted by law... and now... Autozone corporate policy. You are demanding employees risk their lives in your pursuit of corporate profit! Despicable!


  • Your company sucks!! I can not believe you fired Mr. Mclean over some stupid policy. I understand the policy but in certain circumstances rules can be changed. He saved your employees lives and your company money. This how you repay him? I am going to make sure thateveryone knows about this and encourage them NOT to shop at your stores anymore. How low is your comapny that you would do this to a Veteran? I suppose you will just hide behind your lawyers and your stupid policy and not do anything to help this young man out. Your company is the worst!


  • Dear Mr. Rhodes,
    I will no longer be doing any business with AutoZone, I will encourage my family and friends to purchase their automotive supplies elsewhere as well. Your decision to fire Devon McClean for his heroic act of protecting a fellow employee is quite simply, un-American.

    Ron Anderson



    1. They are too worried about litigation. Their last concern is for their employees.


  • I am joining with many customers of Autozone, most of whom will remain silent, is saying how disappointed we are in the company's firing of a true American hero, Devon McClean. Autozone's action only encourages more retail location crimes. I will no longer feel safe in an Autozone store and will take my auto parts and supplies business to a store that rewards, not punishes, men such as Mr. McClean.
    J. Hilliard


  • Please reconsider rehiring Devon Mclean. And I'll reconsider doing business at Autozone. Thank you.


  • I am furious. Can't find an email address to corporate. No wonder. They don't want to hear any opinions of any "underlings". Now you're taking away the store scheduling from the managers. It will be automated. Great. No regard for the human life that works for you. You can count on the fact that my husband, married for 40 years, will not be working for you if, in addition to the 12 hour days, he works over 3-4 days in a row. Are you trying to kill off your employees? I, as a widow, would sue the hell out of you. He has a life and his primary focus in life, on this planet, is not Autozone. He has kids, grandkids and actually likes to see us, once in awhile. I'm sure the hire-ups have a much better schedule, which includes some amount of control over their own lives. Does the CEO have a family?
    Is the CEO one with an attitude "be happy you have a job and if you don't like it, quit". Great PR for your employees, great morale booster. Your employees give you the finger behind your back.


  • Let me add a few things I left out of the above entry. Store managers, much less employees are not allowed a desk nor a chair. None. Gee, I wonder why my husband now has plantar fasciitis and swollen lower extremities. He only stands on his legs for a straight 12-14 hour day.


  • You have hired Dancor Construction to build some of your stores. If I were you I would not give them any more stors to build. I gave them a final wavier and they dont ansewer the phone and I cant get my check.


  • I had a bad experience on 3/6/14 at the AutoZone Inglewood location in Nashville Tn.
    not one but two AutoZone employees (african Americans) were disruptive ,violent, and vulgar towards me when I stepped up in line ti purchase items,it got loud in front of the other customers,I asked for the manager on duty to say something about their employees behavior only to watch him walk away and say nothing,leaving me to deal with the two thugs working the register:it was plain to see they were under the influence of drugs,I say that because they didn't act or look the same way when I was there earlier and the other thugs speech was slurred.
    I been a valued AutoZone customer for years but I will not tolerate nor accept this type of treatment from your employees making me feel threatend and unsafe,and something needs to be done about it,auto zone will not receive another dime of my or my families hard earned money untill this matter is handled.
    Lee Craig


  • I have been doing complete car and truck restorations for the past ten years. I have always used AutoZone as my part store. For the past year I have not experienced anything but complete incompetence at my local store. I use the Auto zone located at 12445 Cortez Blvd, Brooksville FL 34613. The store has one man and I mean one man that knows anything about vehicles. The rest of the employees at that location can barely use the cash register much less have any knowledge of what they sell or are supposed to sell. The worst representation a company would ever want, if they had any intentions of making any kind of profit. I now refuse to shop there and have begun ordering all my part online or going to your competitors O"reilley's auto part store. My last build was a 78 dodge power wagon with the most common motor 318. Every time I went to order a part they acted as if it had not been created yet, and to top it off after telling them what parts they still could not get the right part as ordered. It got to the point where I was bringing in the exact part number and they still couldn't get that right. I order a big block four core radiator for the same vehicle 4 time before the proper radiator was delivered. REALLY… You have lost my business as well as the clients I deal with. Your company needs to regroup and start training the dumb asses you hire, at least on something other than batteries and alternators.. there are more to vehicles than that, and they can't even get that right. I have a 16 year old son that could run circles around any of them. The employees can't always depend on one man to do everything for them. The one man Vic that works there is great and should have employees that are on the same level. Just so your aware of what your losing my last build on this truck I spent roughly $3, 000 in your store just on motor parts. I generally build 1 a month, I hope your loss in profit makes you come to the realization that having knowledgeable competent employees is a must to succeed and keep existing customers. You can reach me for any additional comment @ [email protected]


  • as a life long customer of autozone i can honestly say that i will never shop in your somerset,pa store ever again i cant belive you let your management treat customers the way they do!! what ever happened to the customer always being rite?? i was in your store the other day and talked to a manager about returning a part i bought and he said it would be no problem just bringit in and we would give you a full refund so i sent my wife in today to return the part and the manager on duty this morning got very nasty with her and refused to do the return!! he probably ought to consider himself very lucky that i wasnt there with her or i probably would have ended up in jail for him disrespecting my wife the way he did i have spent quite a few thousand dollars in that store and i have always swore by autzone but your company has let me down and this is something i just cant look over!!!! GOODBYE AUTOZONE,HELLO NAPA!!!!


  • I returned a part to the Autozone Store on 3171 Summer Ave. because it was the wrong part for my truck! I bought this part with my debit card. I returned this idea within 10 mins of buying it. When I returned this idea i was told to run my card back through the machine & i would receive my refund back to my debit card in a couple of days! Well this is wrong i have been told my this business department i should have received the money back right at that point of the return because it was done with a bank Debit card. Well i was not handed any money! I was asked to leave the store and just wait for my money to be returned to me. I called & talked to the store manager who called the district manager, I was told by this district manager that as far as he is concerned this matter is over I WILL Not be getting my $54.61 dollars back from Autozone & to stop calling him about this! Like i said i waited till my money was removed from my debit card and Autozone was paid from my bank before i realized that i was getting screwed. Today i feel like Autozone does not care about customer service and does not care to hear my side of this matter. As far as i am concerned Autozone has stole money from me & i want it back! I am NOT gonna let this go. I will keep calling & calling & complaining till i get someone at Autozone to help me! If there was a way to call the police & report Autozone for stealing my money like that i would. I think Autozone are thieves! I know they have cameras on the front desk areas to see NO ONE HANDED ME ANY MONEY when i returned my idem!!!



    1. You really don't know how money and debit cards work, do you? There will be a pending charge on your account that will, when Autozone's bank decides to, will pull it. It's not like a credit card, an immediate debit. Until that pending charge is completed, you will not get your money back. It usually takes 24 hours but can take longer, depending upon the bank. They aren't thieves, you are ignorant of how it works. By the way, I worked for a bank, so I'm familiar with how it works.


  • I appreciate Mary Munoz, who works at Autozone at 230 McKinley Ave, Mishawaka, IN. I purchased a headlight bulb from another Autozone, but the clerk
    said he did not know how to install it. I drove to the Autozone on McKinley Ave where Mary works, and she installed it, even though it took alittle "elbow grease" and time. She would not except the tip I offered as a thank you to her. Not only did she display awesome customer service, but a co-worker (named Audrey) vouched for Mary's hard work and great custmer service. So, thank you Autozone
    for having people like Mary Munoz on board. I am impressed. Lillian


  • I will never shop at autozone again their customer service is very poor and you can tell people there hate their jobs. In the one in pinole you can see they genuinely don't care about their customers



    1. Such a blanket statement is unfair and inaccurate. My husband has been in the automotive business for over 40 years and loves doing it. He is a good man and according to his review, a great manager. He will go outside in the cold and install stuff. He will give any advice needed. He will scold rude employees or write them up. Rude humans are common in any walk of life. Teachers, doctors, retailers, police, etc, etc. Does that mean ALL of them are? No, of course not. So, skip the store you feel has broken your tender heart and go elsewhere.


    2. Really, your not at work with your precious husband and he could be an asshole like people say. So, why don't you mind your business and let your husband grow some nuts (balls) and take care of himself. Auto Zone Managers (MOST) are RUDE ASSHOLES!!!


    3. Looks like I hit a nerve. No, I won't mind my own business you misogynistic pig. You are coming across as a rude asshole.


  • This email most likely will not get to anyone about what has transpired in Morgan city AutoZone I am a psm at this AutoZone and have just got a call from the new DM Hank Stien that I have put in a resignation.... I have done no such thing I have not sent in a letter of resignation nor have I stated that I quit to anyone he is trying to bully is employees and make there jobs more stress full than need to be .... I stated at a manager meeting on the 10 of November 2014 that if I can not get the pay needed to take care of my family I'll just have to call the orilleys were I put in for there commercial management and see what there offer is and if it's what I want I will take the shops that I have put standing reports with with me to team orilleys this is not a resignation this is just good business.... So I now will still go to work tomorrow as scheduled I've called HR on this problem as so as it came up to me by the DM Hank stien I have yet to get any responses from HR as of now I'm on the defensive with AutoZone and am looking into any other actions that I see need to be taken even if this means going to every meager newspaper companies and telling them how AutoZone has wrongfully accused a combat veteran of putting in a resignation on having good business sense and covering myself I have confirmed with other store manager and DM manager's on this matter and they all have told me the same thing no resignation letter then I didn't not resign .... No I quite from my mouth then no I didn't not resign and this is nothing more than a bullying tactic and it needs to be brought to light I will not quite AutoZone would have to make them look bad at putting a combat veteran out over hem have PTSD and sleep acute disorders so I give this to you Mr Bill roads to see what you let your employees down with this time


  • This email most likely will not get to anyone about what has transpired in Morgan city AutoZone I am a psm at this AutoZone and have just got a call from the new DM Hank Stien that I have put in a resignation.... I have done no such thing I have not sent in a letter of resignation nor have I stated that I quit to anyone he is trying to bully is employees and make there jobs more stress full than need to be .... I stated at a manager meeting on the 10 of November 2014 that if I can not get the pay needed to take care of my family I'll just have to call the orilleys were I put in for there commercial management and see what there offer is and if it's what I want I will take the shops that I have put standing reports with with me to team orilleys this is not a resignation this is just good business.... So I now will still go to work tomorrow as scheduled I've called HR on this problem as so as it came up to me by the DM Hank stien I have yet to get any responses from HR as of now I'm on the defensive with AutoZone and am looking into any other actions that I see need to be taken even if this means going to every meager newspaper companies and telling them how AutoZone has wrongfully accused a combat veteran of putting in a resignation on having good business sense and covering myself I have confirmed with other store manager and DM manager's on this matter and they all have told me the same thing no resignation letter then I didn't not resign .... No I quite from my mouth then no I didn't not resign and this is nothing more than a bullying tactic and it needs to be brought to light I will not quite AutoZone would have to make them look bad at putting a combat veteran out over hem have PTSD and sleep acute disorders so I give this to you Mr Bill roads to see what you let your employees down with this time


  • This email most likely will not get to anyone about what has transpired in Morgan city AutoZone I am a psm at this AutoZone and have just got a call from the new DM Hank Stien that I have put in a resignation.... I have done no such thing I have not sent in a letter of resignation nor have I stated that I quit to anyone he is trying to bully is employees and make there jobs more stress full than need to be .... I stated at a manager meeting on the 10 of November 2014 that if I can not get the pay needed to take care of my family I'll just have to call the orilleys were I put in for there commercial management and see what there offer is and if it's what I want I will take the shops that I have put standing reports with with me to team orilleys this is not a resignation this is just good business.... So I now will still go to work tomorrow as scheduled I've called HR on this problem as so as it came up to me by the DM Hank stien I have yet to get any responses from HR as of now I'm on the defensive with AutoZone and am looking into any other actions that I see need to be taken even if this means going to every meager newspaper companies and telling them how AutoZone has wrongfully accused a combat veteran of putting in a resignation on having good business sense and covering myself I have confirmed with other store manager and DM manager's on this matter and they all have told me the same thing no resignation letter then I didn't not resign .... No I quite from my mouth then no I didn't not resign and this is nothing more than a bullying tactic and it needs to be brought to light I will not quite AutoZone would have to make them look bad at putting a combat veteran out over hem have PTSD and sleep acute disorders so I give this to you Mr Bill roads to see what you let your employees down with this time


  • This email most likely will not get to anyone about what has transpired in Morgan city AutoZone I am a psm at this AutoZone and have just got a call from the new DM Hank Stien that I have put in a resignation.... I have done no such thing I have not sent in a letter of resignation nor have I stated that I quit to anyone he is trying to bully is employees and make there jobs more stress full than need to be .... I stated at a manager meeting on the 10 of November 2014 that if I can not get the pay needed to take care of my family I'll just have to call the orilleys were I put in for there commercial management and see what there offer is and if it's what I want I will take the shops that I have put standing reports with with me to team orilleys this is not a resignation this is just good business.... So I now will still go to work tomorrow as scheduled I've called HR on this problem as so as it came up to me by the DM Hank stien I have yet to get any responses from HR as of now I'm on the defensive with AutoZone and am looking into any other actions that I see need to be taken even if this means going to every meager newspaper companies and telling them how AutoZone has wrongfully accused a combat veteran of putting in a resignation on having good business sense and covering myself I have confirmed with other store manager and DM manager's on this matter and they all have told me the same thing no resignation letter then I didn't not resign .... No I quite from my mouth then no I didn't not resign and this is nothing more than a bullying tactic and it needs to be brought to light I will not quite AutoZone would have to make them look bad at putting a combat veteran out over hem have PTSD and sleep acute disorders so I give this to you Mr Bill roads to see what you let your employees down with this time


  • This email most likely will not get to anyone about what has transpired in Morgan city AutoZone I am a psm at this AutoZone and have just got a call from the new DM Hank Stien that I have put in a resignation.... I have done no such thing I have not sent in a letter of resignation nor have I stated that I quit to anyone he is trying to bully is employees and make there jobs more stress full than need to be .... I stated at a manager meeting on the 10 of November 2014 that if I can not get the pay needed to take care of my family I'll just have to call the orilleys were I put in for there commercial management and see what there offer is and if it's what I want I will take the shops that I have put standing reports with with me to team orilleys this is not a resignation this is just good business.... So I now will still go to work tomorrow as scheduled I've called HR on this problem as so as it came up to me by the DM Hank stien I have yet to get any responses from HR as of now I'm on the defensive with AutoZone and am looking into any other actions that I see need to be taken even if this means going to every meager newspaper companies and telling them how AutoZone has wrongfully accused a combat veteran of putting in a resignation on having good business sense and covering myself I have confirmed with other store manager and DM manager's on this matter and they all have told me the same thing no resignation letter then I didn't not resign .... No I quite from my mouth then no I didn't not resign and this is nothing more than a bullying tactic and it needs to be brought to light I will not quite AutoZone would have to make them look bad at putting a combat veteran out over hem have PTSD and sleep acute disorders so I give this to you Mr Bill roads to see what you let your employees down with this time


  • This email most likely will not get to anyone about what has transpired in Morgan city AutoZone I am a psm at this AutoZone and have just got a call from the new DM Hank Stien that I have put in a resignation.... I have done no such thing I have not sent in a letter of resignation nor have I stated that I quit to anyone he is trying to bully is employees and make there jobs more stress full than need to be .... I stated at a manager meeting on the 10 of November 2014 that if I can not get the pay needed to take care of my family I'll just have to call the orilleys were I put in for there commercial management and see what there offer is and if it's what I want I will take the shops that I have put standing reports with with me to team orilleys this is not a resignation this is just good business.... So I now will still go to work tomorrow as scheduled I've called HR on this problem as so as it came up to me by the DM Hank stien I have yet to get any responses from HR as of now I'm on the defensive with AutoZone and am looking into any other actions that I see need to be taken even if this means going to every meager newspaper companies and telling them how AutoZone has wrongfully accused a combat veteran of putting in a resignation on having good business sense and covering myself I have confirmed with other store manager and DM manager's on this matter and they all have told me the same thing no resignation letter then I didn't not resign .... No I quite from my mouth then no I didn't not resign and this is nothing more than a bullying tactic and it needs to be brought to light I will not quite AutoZone would have to make them look bad at putting a combat veteran out over hem have PTSD and sleep acute disorders so I give this to you Mr Bill roads to see what you let your employees down with this time


  • This email most likely will not get to anyone about what has transpired in Morgan city AutoZone I am a psm at this AutoZone and have just got a call from the new DM Hank Stien that I have put in a resignation.... I have done no such thing I have not sent in a letter of resignation nor have I stated that I quit to anyone he is trying to bully is employees and make there jobs more stress full than need to be .... I stated at a manager meeting on the 10 of November 2014 that if I can not get the pay needed to take care of my family I'll just have to call the orilleys were I put in for there commercial management and see what there offer is and if it's what I want I will take the shops that I have put standing reports with with me to team orilleys this is not a resignation this is just good business.... So I now will still go to work tomorrow as scheduled I've called HR on this problem as so as it came up to me by the DM Hank stien I have yet to get any responses from HR as of now I'm on the defensive with AutoZone and am looking into any other actions that I see need to be taken even if this means going to every meager newspaper companies and telling them how AutoZone has wrongfully accused a combat veteran of putting in a resignation on having good business sense and covering myself I have confirmed with other store manager and DM manager's on this matter and they all have told me the same thing no resignation letter then I didn't not resign .... No I quite from my mouth then no I didn't not resign and this is nothing more than a bullying tactic and it needs to be brought to light I will not quite AutoZone would have to make them look bad at putting a combat veteran out over hem have PTSD and sleep acute disorders so I give this to you Mr Bill roads to see what you let your employees down with this time


  • Morgan City Auto Zone has pitiful leadership. The current store manager has not been able to put her foot down and manage her employees. The district manager cannot answer simple questions and refuses to have a civil discussion ending in anything other than frustration. The regional manager cannot even pick up the phone. This level of leadership is unacceptable.

    The Parts Sales Managers are either unable or not willing their job. The customer service associates have no work ethic or are simply burned out on Auto Zone. What sense is there in hiring two Hispanics just to translate and they don't do anything else? Those that do want to work are constantly put down. Those that don't care are not punished. These employees are not being paid enough to want to care and their work results reflect it.

    Dear Auto Zone, if all your stores functioned like this, you would be bankrupt within a year. This is no way for a Auto Zone to be run.



    1. It is a shame when a company will hire people who really cares about their job but is not appreciated for doing it. More often than not are just put down while the people who really just do not care are given special treatment because they can do what they want & nothing is said


  • This email most likely will not get to anyone about what has transpired in Morgan city AutoZone I am a psm at this AutoZone and have just got a call from the new DM Hank Stien that I have put in a resignation.... I have done no such thing I have not sent in a letter of resignation nor have I stated that I quit to anyone he is trying to bully is employees and make there jobs more stress full than need to be .... I stated at a manager meeting on the 10 of November 2014 that if I can not get the pay needed to take care of my family I'll just have to call the orilleys were I put in for there commercial management and see what there offer is and if it's what I want I will take the shops that I have put standing reports with with me to team orilleys this is not a resignation this is just good business.... So I now will still go to work tomorrow as scheduled I've called HR on this problem as so as it came up to me by the DM Hank stien I have yet to get any responses from HR as of now I'm on the defensive with AutoZone and am looking into any other actions that I see need to be taken even if this means going to every meager newspaper companies and telling them how AutoZone has wrongfully accused a combat veteran of putting in a resignation on having good business sense and covering myself I have confirmed with other store manager and DM manager's on this matter and they all have told me the same thing no resignation letter then I didn't not resign .... No I quite from my mouth then no I didn't not resign and this is nothing more than a bullying tactic and it needs to be brought to light I will not quite AutoZone would have to make them look bad at putting a combat veteran out over hem have PTSD and sleep acute disorders so I give this to you Mr Bill roads to see what you let your employees down with this time....... Because this was not taking care of in an appropriate manner..... I Dustin Moss now an exemployee of AutoZone do to discriminate against a combat veteran with PTSD is now going to take all matters relating to this transition to my veterans liaison and have this matter a dress this way AutoZone has just again discernment against a veteran and I will make this top story ever were I can AutoZone as given all veterans the finger at this time by the action they choose to take this is unsatisfactory and unacceptable of AutoZone...... I had this case put up to the regional HR and in only a day decided to terminate me and didn't have a good reason why all he could say to me is that they didn't state who they were have decided to terminate me so not only has AutoZone discriminate against veteran's but have just terminate a four-year employee


  • I am sick and tired by the lack of courtesy displayed by the employees of your Medford,Ma store.
    They just can't say thank you after a purchase they refer to customers like "big guy," "ok boss",
    "buddy". Train these people not to be so rude or you'll get a lot of offended customers such as myself.
    I won't support your company again and there are 5 cars in my family.



    1. That is funny, that is how the men at the auto zone in Aztec, NM refer to people too...


  • I went to autozone @160 lapalco blvd Gretna la 70056 I purchased a new ball joint for my truck got home it was the wrong one so I went back they didn't have the rite one no big deal I just want a refund I used the 20$ that I had on my reward card and I also got a few other things. So when I go to return it he gave me a in store gift card for the remaining balance wich was around 15$. today is May 1 2015 I go to a different autozone to get tire shine the guy at the register imidiatlly has a attitude with me I give him me gift card he scans it says there's nothin on my card and throws it away I explained my story and he says well there's nothin on it so we have to throw them away. And moves on to the next customer. To be honest I dnt care about the 15$ because it's my fault I did loose the reciept but every autozone I go to they have poor attitudes and I honestly think the reward card program is a scam because this isn't the first time I have had problems with it. I am a car guy and all my friends are to and there opinion on autozone is the same as mine. As of today unless it to swap out a warranty I wi never use autozone again. my recent and past experience with autozone has been nothin but bad attitudes and a hassle.


  • I went to autozone @160 lapalco blvd Gretna la 70056 I purchased a new ball joint for my truck got home it was the wrong one so I went back they didn't have the rite one no big deal I just want a refund I used the 20$ that I had on my reward card and I also got a few other things. So when I go to return it he gave me a in store gift card for the remaining balance wich was around 15$. today is May 1 2015 I go to a different autozone to get tire shine the guy at the register imidiatlly has a attitude with me I give him me gift card he scans it says there's nothin on my card and throws it away I explained my story and he says well there's nothin on it so we have to throw them away. And moves on to the next customer. To be honest I dnt care about the 15$ because it's my fault I did loose the reciept but every autozone I go to they have poor attitudes and I honestly think the reward card program is a scam because this isn't the first time I have had problems with it. I am a car guy and all my friends are to and there opinion on autozone is the same as mine. As of today unless it to swap out a warranty I wi never use autozone again. my recent and past experience with autozone has been nothin but bad attitudes and a hassle.


  • Today was a challenging day after such a beautiful weekend. Jimmie and I attended his sister's beautiful wedding in Alabama. On the way home we had some car trouble. We luckily stopped very close to my cousin who graciously took us to get a battery. Thirty minutes later we stopped again with yet another drained battery, Jimmie's inclination was right, it was the alternator. We were towed to Auto Zone in Temple, GA off ext 19 on I-20. The young man working there Daniel Everett was the most helpful, selfless, person I have met in a very long time. We had called prior to being towed there and he had checked to make sure the part was in stock and agreed to help put it on. Upon arrival he came to the door to greet us and said, "I've been waiting on you guys." We purchased the part and he came out with his tools ready to help. There were very few customers so the other employee was able to handle the inside very well. She cleaned and straightened out items as I waited inside. He worked tirelessly alongside Jimmie to get this stubborn alternator off the vehicle in order to replace it. He was under the car, in various angles struggling to loosen bolts and whatever else needed to be done. I have never seen a total stranger with absolutely nothing to gain work so hard for to help his customers. He alone has changed my outlook on Auto Zone. I will forever give them my business because of how this young man treated us today. Sadly, as he was finishing up the off duty manager Derrick and his friend showed up and proceeded to embarrass, humiliate and emasculate this young man for showing superior customer service. He snapped his fingers giving a time limit to get into the store, he yelled in the presence of customers without any concern to this young man or the customer's who witnessed this humiliation. It is evident that Derrick is not management material and needs to lose his job. I was appalled at how he chose to handle this situation. The young lady working at the front counter explained to him that the store did not have much activity during the time Daniel was helping us and she was able to handle it. He continued to be rude and act like a complete idiot, until we were getting ready to leave and then explained that he didn't know what was going on and that it appeared that he was just helping a friend or doing a side job. A good manager would have taken the issue up away from the customers then investigate and assess the situation. I was embarrassed for Daniel and felt really badly that his selfless act was rewarded with such humiliation. Even during this, Daniel handled that with all the grace of seasoned manager and should be considered for that position. Which should be vacant soon as Derrick is not a good representative of Auto Zone. A customer for life was earned by Daniels selflessness. If Derrick remains the manager their I will never return. I know Daniel will be successful where ever he is because he is a genuinely kind and helpful person who would represent anyone's company very well.





    1. I too work for Auto Zone and have never in my life seen such crap that you have to take from the Manager's, District Manager's, or the Region Manager's. They act like you work for the White House when in reality, Auto Zone is just a parts store that could careless about anyone but the higher ups. They treat the employees like they are thieves and worthless people. I wouldn't shop at Auto Zone, go to O'Reilys or Any other parts store that gives a shit about their employees and customers.


  • Long time district manager Ed Rogers retired today 9/10/15.Not that he wanted to.He would of worked another five years.The divisional manager Rick Smith and Portland regional manager Benjamin treated him like he is disposable. Ed put in 29 years even ran two districts consisting of 24 stores.I can't believe they would let someone so valuable leave.Does Willie Bush or Bill Rhodes know who they lost.Ed Rogers is the best DM I have seen.Non replaceable.


  • Store: 7506 FM 1960 Rd. E, Ste C, Humble, TX 77346, 281-852-2791.
    I have always enjoyed and appreciated the great service at our local neighborhood AutoZone until I had the misfortune of getting the Manager to help me out. I have had some engine problems on my family cars and I love to bring it in to AutoZone because they will run a diagnostic that tells me the possible issues with the car via a code system. It ha saved me big bucks over the dealers or local auto repair stores. Last Friday, I asked this gentleman if he would be kind enough to run a diagnostic on my car and he snapped at me and said "we don't run diagnostics, we can check the computer on your car that will give you possible issues that are going on with your car, but we don't run diagnostics." I guess I would have been ok with it if he had presented himself with a better attitude, but his snarly, angry bed-side approach did not set well with me. He was rude during the testing procedure and told me I had to go home and clean the battery before he could run a test on the battery and electrical system.

    So, as instructed, I cleaned the cable posts with baking soda and returned. I refused to ask him to help me again and received the best service from one of his employees. Trisha Monticone tested the battery with a smile and pleasant attitude and informed me that one cell of the battery was dead and should be replaced. She looked up the replacement and because of her wonderful service, I offered to just replace it in front of their store where all the other folks do their maintenance on their cars. She handed me the necessary tools and I started my project.

    The battery hold-down bolts were too long for the smaller battery and I need to buy some washers to make it work. Trisha found the washers and rang them up. This is where the story really hits home. All dirty from working on the battery replacement, I realized that I did not have enough cash for the washers and Trisha took a dollar out of her own pocket to complete the purchase which completely restored my confidence in people. I understand from other friends in my neighborhood that the Manager of this store has treated others the very same way. Somebody needs to do an Under Cover Boss and visit this store and see for themselves. If it were not for Trisha, I would take my business somewhere else. I hope that you reward her for her outstanding services and hospitality. People like Trisha are far and few between and need recognition for doing the right thing. As far as the Manager, you need to remove him so the store can grow financially. He is doing AutoZone a dis-service with his attitude to good customers.



    1. They won't reward her for nothing. All the manager's are assholes. The undercover boss would probably be as much of a dick as he was.


  • order#2077908250. Purchased a widget. Next Day tried to change the shipping address. I was told the vendor was out of stock. I contacted the vendor; was told they have 120 in stock. Contacted you again; was told I can't change the address. Many calls later I'm told it would be handled when the shipper picked up the widget. It was not. Now, not only did FedEx deliver to the wrong address; they have no address to deliver to. I have not only been forced to cancel an employment meeting,the entire schedule has been disrupted. If this is a standard procedure that a shipping address can not be changed once the order is placed...then you need to take that statement off the web page. If a customer needs to change an address; they need to cancel the order and resubmit. To make me go thru this debacle is not good service. Please change your road block.


  • As an ex autozone from the DC the DC Warehouse there's a lot of favoritism and harassment going on done by the management office managers and supervisors you have people getting paid to talk while other people are busting their butts off and supervisors just look the other way you have this Warehouse it doesn't follow the handbook they have Couples married working the same shift and management with family members working the same shift getting special treatment and not getting their work done people getting fired cuz I asked a question what happened to the open policy where you can ask anything yeah people doing drugs and that warehouse and advisers don't do nothing about it someone needs to pay a surprise visit to the warehouse so they can see how it's getting run


  • Please educate your clerks about the life time warranty for certain parts. The clerk for #499 argued me down that there is no such thing. I have been a customer for 10 years or more and have always had the life time warranty for my brakes. Please educate your customer service clerks/ and provide them with "Customer Service Training" as well. They are there to help a customer whom spends money in your store. I dont feel the need to spend my money where I feel I am not wanted or the Cust. Rep (Tyler K) did not want to assist. I get that its hard to find good help - but a little bit of training and not just for parts goes a long way.


  • I went to the Eaton, Ohio Autozone. I entered the store and went to the counter to get some paint and order exhaust parts. The clerk heard every word I was saying, he was not courteous from the beginning. As he stood at his computer, he asked for my phone number, then while I was telling him my number, he blankly stared at me and was not entering the number into the computer. Then he walked to the end of the counter, pulled a trash can out, and put it out in front of the counter, came back to his computer, leaned on the counter. I asked him why what do you want me to do, and he replied "Take that shit out of your mouth so I can understand what your saying" Now you have to realize up to this point he has understood every word I have said....( note, I do dip like 80 % of the population in this country area ) Then I politely repeated my phone number, and amazing he heard me and entered it into the computer. I was boiling mad at his disrespect. Then I paid for my items and left. On my way home I was very mad, and went back, to return the items, and two other employees were there as well as the original guy. I told the person who said this to me, he needs to have some respect other people, and then he started making smart remarks towards me, which just made me boil even more. After I left I then purchased my items from Advanced Auto, who were very nice. I will never go to any Autozone, again. Poor service, no respect, all around incompetence.


  • If You Get Fired From Autozone Can You Go Back

    Source: https://www.corporateofficeheadquarters.com/2012/03/autozone-corporate-office-headquarters.html

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