Can You Use a School Loan to Buy a Car

You can spend your student loan on anything you want

You can use your student loan for anything you want, it's up to you how you want to spend it. Though keep in mind, you'll be left quite out of pocket in your first term if you use most of it on a car. Part of being a student involves budgeting and money management so perhaps that will teach you some skills in that department.

(Original post by Jbig99)
You can spend your student loan on anything you want

Including MOT, insurance etc?

How is that lazy? If some students can't afford to pay for their car, what else can they do other than borrow money? You're very ignorant for someone with such a positive username

You can but you probably would have no money left to pay for food and other living costs.

(Original post by kiki213)
How is that lazy? If some students can't afford to pay for their car, what else can they do other than borrow money? You're very ignorant for someone with such a positive username

Sorry I read the title wrong. Yes, I think if you are able to manage the rest of your money or have perhaps a job to get more money in and not rely too much on student finance anyway then buying a car is fine imo.

(Original post by Be Only You)
Sorry I read the title wrong. Yes, I think if you are able to manage the rest of your money or have perhaps a job to get more money in and not rely too much on student finance anyway then buying a car is fine imo.

Yes I will have a job when I start uni/drive. Thank you, apology accepted

You can spend your maintenance loan on whatever you want. You're a responsible adult (they presume) so it's up to you to "do the right thing".

Most people struggle to make a student loan last long enough
Presumably you'd pay your accommodation and set aside food and socialising? Books etc?
I remember a "follow loads of freshers" tv programme where a girl spent alll her loan on designer stuff and had a terrible time surviving with no money

(Original post by domonict)
Most people struggle to make a student loan last long enough
Presumably you'd pay your accommodation and set aside food and socialising? Books etc?
I remember a "follow loads of freshers" tv programme where a girl spent alll her loan on designer stuff and had a terrible time surviving with no money

I won't be spending any on accommodation as in commuting to uni and living at home. I don't buy designer stuff or expensive stuff.

(Original post by kiki213)
I won't be spending any on accommodation as in commuting to uni and living at home. I don't buy designer stuff or expensive stuff.

Bare in mind parking permit costs and that some unis are very short of their own parking so budget ahead for that

(Original post by claireestelle)
Bare in mind parking permit costs and that some unis are very short of their own parking so budget ahead for that

Yes thank you!

Some (many) universities don't allow undergrads to bring cars to university at all unless there are extenuating circumstances.

I have friends and a sibling who drive but don't drive to uni because it is just too mad.

(Original post by Doonesbury)
Some (many) universities don't allow undergrads to bring cars to university at all unless there are extenuating circumstances.

?? How do people drive to uni? They have parking lots for reasons?

(Original post by kiki213)
?? How do people drive to uni? They have parking lots for reasons?

Mostly for the 1,000s of staff, not students.

You can, whether you should is a different story

Can You Use a School Loan to Buy a Car


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